Monday, August 20, 2007


This is so true ...

You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. -Richard Bach

I think I have found that most times the word 'may' in the last sentence is actually the word 'will'. Purposeful, meaningful work (with boundaries) can actually be a gift of fulfillment we need, though we might not be aware of it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day by Day

I groaned as I headed to physical therapy - again. Following surgery on my foot, I was only two weeks into the process and the exercises were already tedious. 40 times left, 40 times right, up and down, around in circles - boring details of all the exercises that I needed to do day after day. Most of them felt insignificant and puny at the time and no outward change was evident. I wanted a strong ankle ASAP. I was not enjoying this day-by-day process.

Until it dawned on me - this was like my relationship with God. I want the result - having a strong connection to my creator and the change that can produce in my life. But too often, I am so busy looking for that result, I forget about the day-by-day choices that will produce the change I want.

While doing physical therapy, I could not see the muscles and tendons in my ankle gaining strength. Most days, when I finished, it did not feel any stronger than it did an hour earlier. Actually, often it felt tired and weak. I had to go by the knowledge of how the body works and what my therapist told me … these daily exercises would bring the strong ankle I desire.

It is much the same way with my connection to God; most times, I do not see anything happening in myself. While it can be peaceful and calm to read, pray, journal or be still … I am not holy when I finish. I am still a messy human. Nevertheless, I can choose to believe what God, my pastors and others I trust say. Day by day, choice by choice - renewal is happening in me.

Do not lose heart … inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Romans 4:16