Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Fave Five

The Five Fave things of my week. 

1. Finishing a half-marathon is definitely a favorite memory of this week - though I hated it at times while running it. (temps of 90+ caused the hate)

2. And the massage ten minutes after I finished the race was great! I was on that massage table next :) 

My training/running buddies - thanks gals!
Deb, me, Bev
(sorry Bev don't have any other pic of the three of us)

3. Receiving this book in the mail by Rachel Held Evans. 
Rachel is a friend I've met online. I look forward to the day her and I can have coffee together and talk theology. I enjoy, learn and am challenged by her blog posts - check them out for yourself and then go order her book. 

4. All the fresh fruit and vegetables of summer - strawberries, blueberries, etc.  Corn-on-the-cob is one of favorite! And it's high in iron, which I tend to be low in, so that means I need to eat 3 or 4 ears each time we have it. 
First of the season! From my favorite store Cozy Corneronly about 1/4 mile from my house!

5. Though my head is buried in my writing most days, I continue to love the connection with many friends online. Thank God I was born in 'such a time as this' with the internets! One great connection is Katdish - she's funny, creative, passionate, encouraging, etc. She has a great blogroll on her site with links to many of the other good blogs I enjoy. Expand your horizon by checking it out. 

Pause for a minute and reflect on the good things in your world. What are your five fave things of the week? 

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts Friday's Fave - read her post and links for others here. 

1 comment:

katdish said...

Thanks, Janet! I appreciate the mention. What a great week you've had! Keep writing!