What is Normal
You may say I’m not normal
But really what is normal?
Man’s idea of normal is an
Able-bodied and sound-minded person.
But Jesus measures you by your heart.
Jesus gave all humans one thing in common.
Our hearts need true love.
A heart that breaks and sinks with despair.
A heart that skips a beat at each treasured adventure.
A heart that cries for true love,
Love from above.
Normal is not in how much you know;
But how much you grow.
You’re really not normal
Until you give Jesus your heart!
Try your best and he’ll never depart.
~ Rosene Hoover
Precious Child
I don’t know why this sound mind is locked in this disabled body.
But I thank God for a good mind and
it helps to remember I’m created with a special purpose.
And Jesus always comprehends, even when others don’t understand.
When I think this life has no value and the morals are all wrong!
It seems so pointless to keep on going.
Then Jesus whispers to me,
“I know you can comprehend even when
others don’t think you can understand.”
“Remember you are only accountable to me!"
"You’re my child, my precious child and I love you!”
I’m a ‘well-known’ person - loved unconditionally!!
Though I’m not a star or am not popular - I’ll go far cause
I’m a star on God’s stage, where the light of His son will lead me home.
I am seen and I am heard by the greatest producer!!
~ Rosene Hoover
Rosene usually had a smile - I received a note about her from a friend yesterday and she said, "My first thought about Rosene was that she was always smiling and I remember her as being happy all the time!"
This is true ... well, almost. Yes, Rosene often had a smile, but she did struggle with her circumstances. She generally did that alone or with family and close friends. She loved people and was often frustrated by her limitations to communicate clearly. She knew what she wanted to say and she often had good things to say - but her facial muscles were affected by the CP and her speech was slurred. Even those of us close to her had a hard time understanding her sometimes.
So the computer became her outlet, though even that was a long, slow process. She painstakingly typed one letter at a time with her steadiest hand. She'd write a few lines, then have 'Curtis' read it to her, make changes, ask someone how to spell difficult words and repeat those steps multiple times. Once she has some thoughts down, she would have my mom or I edit it for her. We would give suggestions if something didn't flow well, but mostly we left her writing as she wrote it.
All my many disabilities are so frustrating!
I like music because it takes me out of the confinement of my life.
Ever since I was a little girl, when I was by myself,
I pretended to hold a mic and be a singer,
If I could, I would be a star on a stage.
My fondest dreams are to be a singer for Him!
So I’ll keep reminding myself of that Heavenly choir,
where I will sing in the sweet angel’s choir forever more!!
Oh I just can’t wait!!!
Though I may be disabled from some things in this life,
but not from real, true, unequal love and the gift of eternal life!!
I feel sorry for some of those so-called normal people
that try so hard to buy other’s affection.
I’m so glad that the ticket to Heaven cannot be earned or bought,
but only be received by seeking and believing in Jesus,
who makes me a true millionaire!!
When I meet him in the air on that glorious day
all my disabilities will be invisible!!!
~ Rosene Hoover
Over the past eight years or so, she became involved in a local Bible Study and house church. This was a positive thing in her life - she loved the people and what she learned there. The pastor, his wife and people in the church showered her with love and care and from that she understood God's love in a whole new way. They drove her to and from church, Bible study and a local community center, called The Torch. She loved the worship time at these events. Singing was difficult, but she felt free as she didn't worry about people understanding her, she knew God understood her, so she freely waved flags or tapped a tambourine.
This Sunday evening I will be speaking at The Torch. They've asked me to share my story about recovering from massive injuries (which gave me that leg) I received from an accident 5 years ago. We didn't plan my speaking this Sunday because it's around the time Rosene passed away, we picked a Sunday that worked for them and for me, but I'm happy it falls on this week.
I spent three months in a wheelchair, she spent years in one. After one doctor's visit, I complained about needing the chair another six weeks. She quietly said, "What's six weeks?" Promptly changed my attitude! And then she was almost as excited as I was when I didn't need it anymore. She had this bumper sticker on her electric wheelchair ...
Don't Whine - But Shine!
If you knew Rosene, feel free to share memories of her in the comments.